


Hidden Flag, XORing Data, HSCTF6 Writeup

Description: This image seems wrong.....did Keith lose the key again? We first get a file with png extension which is unable to open as a png file. Then we output the hex data, and we can find that there are no png signature '89 50 4E 47 0…

ksnctf ZIP de kure: ZIPファイルの既知平文攻撃

既知平文攻撃とは?What's the known-plaintext attack? Wikipedia definition: The known-plaintext attack (KPA) is an attack model for cryptanalysis where the attacker has access to both the plaintext (called a crib), and its encrypted version…

Python: RSA暗号 Decrypt

Python: def exgcd(m, n): if n>0: y,x,d = exgcd(n, m%n) return x, y-m/n*x, d else: return 1, 0, m N = 97139961312384239075080721131188244842051515305572003521287545456189235939577 E = 65537 C = 7736145512745599657240445122140151014557577623…

Base 64だけじゃない!Base Nについて

こちらの記事をご参考ください。 - Base 16 Decoder: Hexadecimal Base Converter - Base 16 - Online Software Tool - Base 32 Decoder: Base32 Decode Online - Base 64 Decoder: Base64 Decode and Encode - Online - Base 85 Decoder: A…

ASCII caesar cipher decoder (python)

シーザー暗号をデコードする方法まとめ 1.ファイルから読み込み (Python) ---------------------------------------------------------------- print "".join([chr(ord(c)-10) for c in open("[-- YOUR FILE NAME --]", "rb").read()]) ------------------…

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