


XSS Mindmap

Source: AwesomeXSS/Database at master · s0md3v/AwesomeXSS · GitHub Payload: * polyglot:

rootme: XSS - Stored 1 writeup(Japanese)

Statement Steal the administrator session cookie and use it to validate this chall. URL: この問題は、Stored XSS脆弱性によって他人のクッキーを盗む過程を実際に体験できる良問です。…

XSS Bug on Intel Subdomain, Explained poc video

XSS Here it is a XSS vulnerability on Intel subdomain. We could notice that it reflects our input contents when we submit something. However, nothing will be reflected when we submit which it contains the symbol "<" or ">". XSS…

(Just recommend a video) Steam XSS $7,500 Payload: i='[url=javascript://%0aalert`1`] click me![/url]'

(CWE-79) DOM Based XSS

Cross-site Scripting (XSS) - DOM (CWE-79) OWASPによる定義: DOM Based XSS (or as it is called in some texts, “type-0 XSS”) is an XSS attack wherein the attack payload is executed as a result of modifying the DOM “environment” in the victim…

XSS Cheet Sheet

こんにちは、Marsです。今回はXSSについてお話します。 2019年の今では、少し工夫すればXSSの脆弱性が発見できるサイトが未だに少なからず存在しています。このペイロードをBug bounty programやpentestなどに活用できれば嬉しいです。 Bug bounty program: …

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